Talk about it! There's so much to say!

Be a part of the solution.

Follow local and national homeless organisations on social media. Stay updated with news and calls to action. Share those links with your friends to raise awareness and create dialogue.

Here are some talking points:

  • breakdown the stereotypes of who is homeless, raise awareness of how many homeless children there are in this city/country (many websites serving homeless children will feature families they have served and their stories of how they became homeless).
  • this is a political issue, connected to racism, health care costs, livable incomes, civil rights, immigration, gentrification, affordable housing, etc.
  • the amount of $$$$$$ the U.S. government spends on war each year while funds to support children and homeless families and public housing are being cut.
  • government cutting services for low-income families and the agencies that serve them.
  • the trauma experienced by children being homeless.

Check out this list of films - invite friends over to watch films about the issue child homelessness. Discuss over popcorn. (Pass around a donations jar and donate the proceeds - however small - to a local org supporting homeless children!)

Create a book club focused on the issue of homelessness. Discussion must include the topic of institutional racism, which is deeply connected to homelessness in the United States. 

Arrange a craftivism gathering at your local knitting store, library or cafe. Talk with fellow knitters about these issues as you knit streethearts or blankets, hats, or...!

The National Coalition for the Homeless website has a wealth of information and great ideas on how to be involved and lobby.